Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Orange Cucumber Detox Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 10:54 PM


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Orange Cucumber Detox Water

Trying to beat the summer heat? This cooling detox drink will cool you down and help you look hot in your summer clothes!

This drink boasts liver cleansing and clear digestive tract in the vitamin C packed lemons and oranges (vitamin C also naturally increases metabolism!), along with breaking down body fat and toxins. Mint also aids in digestion and breaks down fat, all while cooling your body.

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Lastly the cucumber helps reduce bloat and works together with the mint to help you cool off naturally, so next time someone tells you to “chill out” take their advice and make yourself a glass of this refreshing detox water.



10 cups of water 
 1 orange, cut into thin slices 

9 mint leaves, torn 
21 thin cucumber slices 

7 thin lemon slices 

3 sprigs fresh dill, stem cut off 

  1. Place all ingredients into a water pitcher/jug. Let it sit for about an hour and then enjoy!

The benefits of Orange Cucumber Detox Water:


  • Stimulates the liver and flushes out toxins.
  • Contains pectin, a type of fiber that will help you feel full longer, so that you eat less throughout the day.

  • Curbs appetite, boosts metabolism, and detoxifies your body.
  • A natural diuretic food, means it helps the body produce more urine to carry out waste.

  • Improves digestion, relieves constipation, and boosts immune system.
  • Dill has high amounts of monoterpenes which have been proven to attack the growth of cancer cells.


  • Helps with weight loss by turning fat into energy.
  • High in antioxidants, and improves oral health. Helps to relieve allergy symptoms. 

  • Oranges are high in vitamin C which is known to be the detox vitamin. 
  • Helps to lower cholesterol, regulate blood pressure, and cleanse the liver.

The longer you let it sit, the stronger the flavor will be.

If you decide to leave it overnight, taking the peel off of the lemon and orange. This way it will not taste sour after sitting so many hours.

Related: How Long Does Fruit-Infused Water Last?

Source: http://yuminyourtum.com

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