Monday, May 22, 2017

Mango Ginger Detox Water That Boosts Metabolism

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 3:37 AM


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Mango Ginger Detox Water That Boosts Metabolism

Did you know Ginger and Mango both boost your metabolism?
Along with boosting your metabolism, ginger also is a natural pain reliever. From migraines to menstrual cramps ginger heals a lot of pain.
It also helps reduce morning or motion sickness and banishes heart burn!
Mangoes not only boost metabolism, they also aid in digestion, boost your memory and increases your sex drive!

Related: The Fat Loss Cookbook

This Mango Ginger Detox Water will do a lot for your body, so make a big pitcher today and enjoy.

Special Tip: Mango ginger water is perfect to take with you and sip all day as a delicious hydrating treat. To make it easier to take on the go, check out our Recommended Fruit Infused Water Bottles or see our list of the Top 5 Best Seller Fruit Infused Water Bottles.
With one of these fruit infuser bottles, you can refill the water over and over again and the flavor of the mangoes and ginger will still infuse into the water. It’s worth the $10-20 investment in your health!

Makes 4 liters of Mango Ginger Detox Water, refill 4 liter pitcher 2-4 times until flavor is lost.


Related: Press Release 4 | Why Mainstream Medicine Has It All Wrong When It Comes to Losing Weight!
  • 1 inch Ginger Root, peeled and sliced
  • 1 cup Frozen Mango- fresh is fine too
Get Started:
To peel the ginger use the back of a spoon or a vegetable peeler, just peel the part that you will be using.
Using a sharp knife slice ginger into 3-4 coin sized slices.
You want them about the size and thickness of the coin.

  • Drop into your pitcher and add in the mango.
  • Top with 3 cups of ice and then add with water.(the ice is important, it holds down the ginger and mango to help infuse the water)
  • Place in your fridge for 1-3 hours before serving.
  • When serving add a couple frozen mango chunks in a pretty glass for ice cubes.
This will keep in the fridge for 24 hours.

Related: How Much Water Should I Drink A Day?


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