Monday, May 22, 2017

Strawberry Detox Water: 5 Metabolism Boosting Recipes

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 2:24 AM


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Strawberry Detox Water: 5 Metabolism Boosting Recipes

Strawberry detox water is consistently one of the most popular infused water recipes we’ve ever seen. There’s something about the delicious taste of a cold strawberry drink on a hot day that really quenches your thirst.


But did you know that strawberry detox water is also very good for you, too?
Discover the healthy benefits of strawberry water and enjoy my delicious Strawberry Detox Water Recipes. One taste and you’ll agree that strawberry infused detox water is one of the best tasting detox drinks you’ve ever had.

Strawberry Water Benefits

Strawberries are one of nature’s “super foods”. Technically, they’re a member of the rose family and not a fruit or berry, but an enlarged receptacle of a flower.

Eating strawberries has been shown to improve heart health, help with blood sugar control and even cancer prevention. They are loaded with vitamins and contain very high levels of antioxidants called polyphenols. Just one serving (approximately 8 strawberries) contains more vitamin C than an orange.
Water is another natural healthy wonder. Studies have show that by just drinking water, you increase your resting metabolism rate and increase your weight loss potential.
Combine that with all the wonderful things water does for your health like suppress hunger, flush your system, and hydrate your body, and it’s at the top of the list of best weight loss tools.

Related: Press Release 2 | New Weight loss Program Allows Dieters to Lose in 21 Days

How to Make Strawberry Detox Water

There are an endless number of ways to make strawberry detox water. Strawberries provide such a unique and delicious flavor in water that you can pair them with just about any fruit or vegetable and it will taste really good.
Here are some tips for making strawberry detox water:

  • You can usually get 2-4 fill-ups out of one batch of these ingredients, but you might want to change them out a little sooner if you prefer a stronger flavor.
  • For an extra special treat, use sparkling water instead of regular water. It adds more taste and looks really pretty in a fancy glass.
  • The longer the water sits, the stronger the flavor. It’s usually mild at first, but after a few hours (or overnight) it can be quite strong.
  • Strawberries are usually washed, de-stemmed, and sliced, but they can also be served whole for a pretty presentation. They just don’t infused as much flavor when left whole.

5 Strawberry Detox Water Recipes

Here are some of the most popular strawberry detox water recipes.

Strawberry Lime Water

For this yummy Strawberry Lime Water recipe, you’ll need a half-gallon jar, or a 2 quart pitcher. Layer the strawberries and lime slices with ice cubes. Fill your jar or pitcher with water. Let it marinate for about 10 minutes, and then enjoy!


Strawberry Lime Water Ingredients:

  • 1 cup of fresh strawberries (whole or sliced)
  • 2 limes (sliced or quartered).




Strawberry Mint Water

This is a classic Strawberry Mint Water recipe.
Put sliced strawberries and torn mint leaves into an infused water pitcher. Fill with fresh, (preferably) filtered water and stir. Refrigerate for an hour or more to let the flavors infuse. Pour over ice and serve! The pitcher can be refilled with fresh water using the same mint and strawberries a couple of times.
For a stronger flavor, add more mint or more strawberries.

Related: Pineapple Water with Cucumber and Mint Recipe

Strawberry Mint Water Ingredients:

  • 4 whole strawberries (sliced)
  • 6 fresh mint leaves (washed and torn into pieces)




Strawberry Watermelon Water

Strawberry Watermelon Water makes a refreshing summer drink. When watermelons and strawberries both come into season it becomes the perfect time to make this delicious strawberry detox water recipe.
Always use the freshest and sweetest watermelon and strawberries that you can find, usually at farmers markets or street side vendors during strawberry season.
Slice the strawberries and watermelon up into large pieces and place them in a pitcher full of ice water. You can also add fresh lime slices and mint leaves (torn) to add a little extra flavor and balance out the sweetness.

Related: Herbal drink for stomach ulcer

Strawberry Watermelon Water Ingredients:

  • 1/2 pint of fresh strawberries
  • 2 slices of watermelon (cubed)
  • 1 lime or 6 mint leaves (optional).

Strawberry Cucumber Water

To make Strawberry Cucumber Water, add ingredients into a 2 quart pitcher of ice water.  Refrigerate 2 to 4 hours to allow the ingredients to infuse.


Strawberry Cucumber Water Ingredients:

  • 8 ounces strawberries
  • 1/2 a sliced cucumber

Strawberry, Mint, and Lemon Water Detox Drink

Talk about a refreshing metabolism booster! This Strawberry, Mint, and Lemon Water Detox Drink is packed so full of Vitamin C, you’ll be giving your metabolism a big boost while burning fat and increasing weight loss.

It also contains anti-inflammatory ingredients and is great for fighting cold and flu viruses.
Strawberries are known to curb appetite, boost your immune system, regulate blood sugar, aid in digestion, and improve cardiovascular health. They’re also packed full of Vitamin C to increase your metabolism and help reduce bloat and inflammation in sore muscles.

The lemon is good for weight loss, improved digestion, appetite control and also helps fight bloating.Mint helps boost energy, and best of all it helps you burn fat faster, making this a great drink for weight loss. 

Make this Strawberry, Mint, and Lemon Water Detox Drink for your next party, take it to the gym or just sip all day long for a day full of delicious hydration.
Strawberry, Mint, and Lemon Water Detox Drink Ingredients:

  • 1 lemon, thinly sliced
  • 15 strawberries quartered
  • 5 mint leaves


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