Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Aloe Vera Coconut Lime Detox Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 10:34 PM


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 Aloe Vera Coconut Lime Detox Water
This fantastic detox water recipe serves up a powerful punch of ingredients that may aid in digestion, increase metabolic rate, help with elimination, flush toxins, reduce inflammation and will give your skin a beautiful healthy glow!

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½ Cup Coconut Water

2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp Pure Aloe Vera Juice Juice–NOT the gel
1 Tsp Alkaline Water (Optional)
1 Tsp Liquid Stevia
1 Cup Filtered Water
Mix all ingredients together and stir well.

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Benefits of this Aloe Vera-Coconut-Lime Detox Water: 

-Lemon/lime juice is loaded with Vitamin C which gives your immune system a boost.

-Lemon/lime juice is cleansing to the body as it helps to flush toxins from the liver.

-The ingredients in this lemon detox water help to curb cravings and hydrate the body.

-Lemon juice aids in reducing inflammation as it contains large amounts of bioflavonoids which fight free radicals.

-Lemon juice aids in digestion

-The amino acids, vitamins, and minerals found in aloe vera juice work to detoxify the body naturally.

-The soothing properties of aloe vera juice help to heal the digestive tract.

-Aloe vera juice may help to lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar. 

-Coconut water is a great appetite suppressant.

-Coconut water helps to alleviate and prevent indigestion and acid reflux.

-Coconut water is full of electrolytes, which aids in hydration.


This delicious detox water recipe is also great for jump-start your weight loss plan and will help to eliminate toxins. Keep in mind that simply drinking this water alone will not cause you to lose massive amounts of weight. It will, however, help you to lose some unwanted bloat and pounds associated with water retention.

Optional you could add Alkaline Water. Alkaline water reduces the acidity of the liquid. This is great because our bodies can be very acidic due to our not-so-perfect diets.

Related: Spicy Pineapple Jalapeno Infused Water
Source: http://www.natureskin.com

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