Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Pineapple Water with Cucumber and Mint Recipe

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 11:18 PM


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Pineapple Water with Cucumber and Mint Recipe

This delicious Pineapple Water with Cucumber and Mint Recipe will naturally boost your metabolism and reduce bloat! It’s a great detox drink to start your day with, or make a bottle full and take it with you for an all day treat.

Did you know that drinking water raises your metabolism? It’s just that simple. Drinking water is one of the easiest ways to give your weight loss a boost, so why not drink infused water recipes like Pineapple Water with Cucumber and Mint and actually enjoy all that water!

Related: 6 Easy Tweaks For Healthier (but Still Tasty) Latin Meals 

Pineapple is a great metabolism booster, and it’s full of healthy vitamins and antioxidants like Vitamin C. I especially enjoy the sweet tart taste that the pineapple provides, and it pairs nicely with the mellow flavor of the cucumbers.

Benefits of Cucumbers and Mint

Cucumbers are also a nutritional powerhouse. They contain tons of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants which helps reduce bloat and swelling. They also contain tons of potassium, which makes this recipe a great weight loss drink.

Mint is good for a whole lot of things, including better breath and treatment of digestion issues, It’s also a great source of anti-inflammatories and antioxidants.


Special Tip: Pineapple cucumber water is perfect to take with you and sip all day as a delicious hydrating treat.

To make it easier to take on the go, check out our Recommended Fruit Infused Water Bottles or see our list of the Top 5 Best Seller Fruit Infused Water Bottles. With one of these fruit infuser bottles, you can refill the water over and over again and the flavor of the pineapples and cucumbers will still infuse into the water.

It’s worth the $10-20 investment in your health!
Makes 1 liter of Pineapple Water with Cucumber and Mint.


1/2 pineapple cut into chunks, or 1 20 oz can pineapple chunks
 1⁄3 cupfresh mint leaves
1⁄2 cucumber, peeled and thinly sliced
½ cup ice

Get Started:

Add the pineapple chunks, cucumber rings, and mint leaves to the bottom of a pitcher. Top with ice, this part is important whether you enjoy your water cold or at room temperature as it holds down the fruit to better infuse the water.

Place the pitcher in the fridge, or on your counter top if you like room temperature, for one hour before serving.

When you have poured ½ of the pineapple water from your pitcher, fill back to the top with water. This will help preserve the flavor so you won’t have to start over again when you finish the pitcher. Fill up, up to 6 times in a day, or until the flavor of pineapple is lost.

Freeze cubed pineapple and cucumber slices and drop them in water and bubbly water anytime for a delicious and sweet cucumber detox water drink.

Store Pineapple Cucumber Water and Mint in your fridge for 24 hours.

Related: Fruit Infuser Water Bottle Recipes

Source: https://www.loseweightbyeating.com

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