Sunday, May 21, 2017

Blueberry and Orange Detox Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 11:27 PM


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Blueberry and Orange Detox Water is an awesome detox recipe thanks to the super food qualities of blueberries and vitamin C packed oranges. It’s  another refreshing way to get the water you need with the added benefits of fruit.

Detoxing Benefits

  • Oranges are are excellent source or vitamin C and contain folate and B vitamins. This fruit is great for the immune system.
  • Blueberries are another one of nature’s super foods. They are rich in vitamins and phytochemicals known as flavonoids which may help to reduce heart conditions in young women. They are also a good source of manganese which is essential for bone growth and can aid the replenishment of this mineral after menopause.

What you will need


1 medium sized orange


1/2 cup of Blueberries

1 Litre 0r 34 oz Jug

Rinse all fruit and vegetables. Choose Organic if possible.

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Step 1.
Half fill your jug with fresh Filtered Water

Step 2. 
Finely slice the orange, and add to the water.

Step 3. 
Slightly crush the blueberries, and add to the water.

Step 4. 
Top up the Jug with Filtered Water and refrigerate overnight.
Tip: If you don’t have any fresh blueberries on hand you can always use frozen ones.


Serving Suggestions

Filter or strain the Blueberry and Orange Detox Water into a chilled in long glass and add ice
Garnish with a mint leaf, a few blueberries and a slice of orange.

Bonus: Replenish the water as it’s being used and this recipe should last the whole day.


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