Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Cooling Peach Mint Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 11:34 PM


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Cooling Peach Mint Water

If you’re looking for a drink to help you make it through a hot day (or a hot flash) this is the drink for you. The water and mint act as natural air conditioning, cooling you down and keeping you cool for hours.

The water and mint also naturally suppress your appetite, so the next time you feel the craving for a sweet treat or an unscheduled snack, make yourself a glass of this Peach Mint Water. You’ll be slimming down in no time, all while increasing metabolism, hydrating and relieving bloat.

Related: 3 Things That Help Reduce Belly Fat 

Peaches are packed full of natural sweetness and perfectly pair with the bloat relieving mint, if you like a sweeter drink, simply add a few frozen peach slices to your glass in lieu of ice.

Special Tip: This recipe makes a great one to sip on all day, which can help you lose weight and feel healthier. To make it easier to take on the go, try out a fruit infused travel water bottle.

These portable water infusers are so inexpensive, but so helpful for drinking more water. 

Related: Press Release 1 | New Diet Taps - Help Dieters Lose 12-23 Pounds in Just 21 Days!

Makes 1 pitcher of Mint Infused Water with Peaches, refill up to 8 times.

1 long sprig of Mint, or a handful of leaves you can tie 
 together with kitchen twine
10 frozen Peach Slices, plus more to garnish (optional)

Get started:

Drop peaches in your pitcher, then the mint, top with ice and water and place in fridge for 4 hours or overnight. Serve in a wine glass, garnish with a frozen peach slice (also acts as a ice cube) you can refill the pitcher up to 8 times, or until the flavor dissipates.

Related: How to Make Infused Water Ice Cubes

Source: https://www.loseweightbyeating.com

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