Friday, June 9, 2017

DIY Herbal Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 7:00 AM


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We’re all feeling the summer heat and wondering when will it end. It reminds me of one of my favorite songs,

“We’re having a heatwave, a tropical heatwave, it isn’t surprising, she certainly can can-can.” With a little salsa in our step, Liza and I met in the StyleBlueprint test kitchen (my house) to experiment with concocting some refreshing, herb infused waters.  They are certainly good for your waistline and will keep you hydrated in the 90 degree + weather.   Here’s what we came up with….

Since I was having a neighborhood meeting at my house, I took an independent, non-official poll and the neighbors loved the blackberry infused with mint water the best.
Infused Water
Cucumber and Basil Infused Water

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I personally love anything with basil, so my favorite was the basil and cucumber water.  Basil is also wonderful when infused in a simple syrup (1 part water and 1 part sugar) and added to ice teas and club soda.

Peach and Sage Infused Water.
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By far, the most interesting and beautiful of the three is the peach and sage infused water.
Liza mentioned yesterday that we were upping our game in the photography department, but dang, not sure we can always promise ones as good as these ones she took today!
Try these out and let us know your favorites–if you have any other ideas for great drinks to beat the summer heat, please send us a comment as well.

For more reviews of infused water bottle




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Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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