Infused Water Ideas

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon-Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 4:06 AM

Lemons can do much more than just flavor your water. These little yellow fruits have numerous health benefits. Infusing water with lemon is done by placing sliced lemons into drinking water and allowing the mixture to steep, or sit. Squeezing the lemon to release juice into the water before steeping will help to increase the flavor and healing properties. Lemon-infused water may lower your chances of developing diseases like cancer, slow weight gain and even prevent the common cold. Lemons could keep you out of the doctor's office and feeling better.

pH Regulation

Maintain body pH with lemon juice.

The citric acid found in lemons helps to maintain proper body pH. Every cell in your body is made up of mostly water. If the pH of body fluids is alkaline, or basic, and between 7.35 and 7.45, your body systems run normally. Foods like red meat, dairy products and sugar tend to make your body more acidic. However, the citric acid found in lemons helps to maintain body pH within the ideal range, which is beneficial in preventing cancer, heart disease, fatigue, weight gain and a variety of other health issues.

Kidney Health

Lemons improve kidney health.

The citric acid in lemons helps to keep kidneys healthy. Kidneys are vital to maintaining proper hydration, regulating blood pressure and excreting wastes from the body. If kidney stones are present, the organ is not functioning well. Kidney stones are most often formed when the waste products calcium oxalate and uric acid crystallize. Citric acid found in lemons prevents this crystallization, allowing your body to detoxify and preventing kidney stones.

Vitamin C

Increase your vitamin C intake

Lemons are also high in vitamin C, which means they will improve your immune system. Vitamin C aids in the production and strength of collagen, an essential protein found in the body. Collagen is needed for healing wounds and is found in high concentrations in bones, teeth, tendons and blood vessels. If you're having trouble with low iron levels or are anemic, vitamin C improves the absorption of iron. Another bonus: Lemons reduce skin blemishes and can improve your complexion.

Fights Cancer

Use the lemon peel.

A study published in the "Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition" suggests that a diet a rich in lemon may prevent and reduce body weight and fat gain. The study focused on lemon polyphenols, a type of antioxidant found in lemons. In addition to slowing weight gain, an increase in lemon intake showed improvements in blood glucose control and insulin function. A study published in the "Journal of Research in Medical Sciences" found that citrus peel extract decreases and prevents oxidation of LDL -- or "bad" -- cholesterol. When oxidized, cholesterol is a free radical that increases inflammation and increases the risk of cancer.

Blueberry & Orange Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 2:45 AM

Whole blueberries tend to take a few extra minutes to infuse water (because of their skin). Either wait about 30 minutes before drinking, or slice your blueberries in half before you add them. Citrus fruit tends to turn water bitter if it rests more than about four hours, so only make this one right before you want to drink or serve it.

Blueberry & Orange Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 1/4 cup fresh blueberries
  • 1/2 orange, cut into thin slices
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, blueberries, and orange. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Pineapple & Coconut Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 2:42 AM

All of the flavor of a piña colada with none of the hangover! This is a great combo if you want to get that tropical feeling. I like to make up a carafe of this one when we go to the beach.

Pineapple & Coconut Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 1/3 cup slices fresh pineapple
  • 1/4 cup fresh coconut chunks (outer shell removed)
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, pineapple, and coconut. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Raspberry & Mint Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 2:39 AM

I like to make this one when our black raspberries are coming off—it doesn’t get much fresher than that! It might take a few extra minutes to get the raspberry flavor in your water.

Raspberry & Mint Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 1/4 cup fresh raspberries
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, raspberry, and mint. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Watermelon & Basil Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 2:13 AM

Okay, I know this combination sounds strange, but it’s really addictive! Make sure you only use really fresh, really tasty watermelon to get the best flavor. You can also try this with cantaloupe, honeydew, or a combo!

Watermelon & Basil Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 3-4 small slices watermelon
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil leaves
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, watermelon, and basil. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Cucumber & Mint Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 2:09 AM

When it’s 95 degrees out and 90% humidity, THIS is the water you want to drink. It really doesn’t get much more refreshing than this! Make sure to really scrub the outside of the cucumber you use.

Cucumber & Mint Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 1/4 cucumber, cut into slices
  • 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, cucumber, and mint. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Strawberry, Kiwi & Lime Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 2:06 AM

This one is a fruit-flavor explosion! It’s also one of my most beautiful waters in the set—make sure to serve this one at your next party. Citrus fruit tends to turn water bitter if it rests more than about four hours, so only make this one right before you want to drink or serve it.

Strawberry, Kiwi & Lime Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 1 kiwi, peeled and cut into slices
  • 2 strawberries, hulled and cut into slices
  • 1/2 lime, cut into slices
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, kiwi, strawberries, and lime. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Lemon & Lime Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 1:59 AM

It doesn’t get much more classic (or refreshing) than the lemon and lime combo. When you make this one with sparkling water, it tastes almost like that famous lemon-lime soda (without all the sugar or additives). Citrus fruit tends to turn water bitter if it rests more than about four hours, so only make this one right before you want to drink or serve it.

Lemon & Lime Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 1/2 lemon, cut into slices
  • 1/2 lime, cut into slices
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, lemon, and lime. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Grapefruit & Rosemary Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 12:19 AM

This may sound like a weird combination, but I promise you’ll like it if you try it! Make sure to wash the outside of the grapefruit really well before slicing. Also, citrus fruit tends to turn water bitter if it rests more than about four hours, so only make this one right before you want to drink or serve it.

Grapefruit & Rosemary Infused Water

  • Ice
  • 1/4 red or pink grapefruit, cut into thin slices
  • 1 large sprig fresh rosemary
  • Sparkling or regular water
Fill a glass, bottle, mason jar, pitcher or carafe with ice, grapefruit, and rosemary. Fill to top with water. Enjoy immediately. Refill with more water and ice until fruit flavor is gone. Makes 1 quart (plus refills).

Friday, May 18, 2018

Quench Your Thirst With Flavor-Infused Water

Posted By: Reviews Only Channel - 10:53 PM

The Super Soak

Infusing water with the essence of fruits, herbs, and other botanicals helps you drink plenty of liquids without the downside of excess calories, sugars, and artificial flavorings. It's beneficial hydration in every refreshing sip.
But before you get started, there are a few essentials  you should know to make sure that drink of infused water is as good—and good for you—as it can be.
Infused Water in Pitcher

Best Practices


Choose organic when you can. Wash produce and rinse herbs to remove chemicals, pesticides, and other residues.


Use cold or room temperature filtered water. Hot water makes produce fall apart faster and can compromise the nutrients you're trying to coax out of the ingredients.


Glass, plain and simple. You can splash out for purpose-built infusing pitchers and bottles, but you don't have to. Spend on fresh produce instead.

Prep Tips

  • Softer fruits like citrus and strawberries can be sliced thick, thin, halved, or quartered. Harder fruits like apples should be sliced very thinly because they take longer to release flavors.
  • Crush fibrous ginger root, rosemary, and lemongrass with a muddler or wooden spoon; tear or crush leafy herbs like mint, basil, and cilantro to release their oils.
  • Loose herbs and flowers—lavender, rose petals, dried hibiscus—can be corralled in a tea infuser or cheesecloth.

Soak Time and Temperature

  • Infuse water at room temperature for no more than 2 hours. After that, put it in the fridge to prevent bacterial growth.
  • Cucumbers, citrus fruits, melons, and mint flavor water almost immediately. Apples, cinnamon, fresh ginger root, and rosemary need an overnight soak in the fridge.
  • Melons and sliced strawberries start looking waterlogged after a few hours; citrus, and whole berries look pretty good even after hours in the fridge.
  • After 4 hours, unpeeled citrus can make water taste bitter. To make a big jug of infused water for a party, peel the citrus before soaking. Or you can soak it unpeeled for 4 hours, remove it, and add fresh slices for looks. (And keep that water icy cold for food safety.)
  • If you don't drink the water within 24 hours, strain out the solids and refrigerate for up to 3 days.
  • To keep sipping all day long, refill your infused water container when it's half full. It will be weaker than your first drink, but still flavorful.


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